Playkey DevLog. Issue 37
In the last issue, we talked about automating the deployment of servers featuring miner software and about updating disks automatically. The functionality is now up and running on operational servers. We’re now in the middle of debugging, fixing those few kinds of bugs that seem to always slip through the development stage.
With that in mind, we’re nearing the launch of closed beta testing. Miner accounts aren’t accessible yet, however, since we won’t be working on them until after the beta.
If you want to take part in the closed beta testing of the decentralized platform, fill out the form here. We’ll be in touch with those miners who will best fit our needs (the main criterion is your hardware specs).
The closed beta will involve testing a couple of games (GTA V and The Witcher 3). All you will have to do is download the installation file (a disk image), save it to a USB flash drive, and then stick it into your computer. No need to install or configure games — after all, we haven’t spent all that time on automated disk updates for nothing. After checking the operation of miner computers ourselves to make sure things are running smoothly, we’ll pass the baton to Playkey users.
That’s it for now. Can hardly wait to get started!